Spirit Quake
This is "Spirit Quake" a term that was used during a service in January. Someone prompted me to give my impressions and details about the painting...And a few answers to questions I believe God gave me when it was finished. So here they are.
The light coming into the church from above is mixed with water.
The quake comes from inside the church and spreads outward, like sonic waves. There is intent, power, and healing. There is purpose behind this that I do not fully understand.
The figure to the right with the pitcher of water is male. This is healing. The figure to the left is female and she is breaking strongholds. This was not random although I do not have a clear answer why. I just know that they are.
The horse to the left is older .... wisdom with experience. The horse to the right is younger .... youth or vitality. The horse to the left felt more male and the horse to the right felt more female. Again, I cannot give a reason why.
The cloud at the bottom is both spiritually part of the quake's movement and representative of the forward movement of these figures.
The horses do not have eyes on purpose. I tried not to ask questions about this painting while painting it. I wanted to paint just what He gave me and not analyze it or try to figure it out. Unfortunately, I tried to put horses' eyes because I thought that in everyone else's painting, horses had eyes. I tried twice. They would look fine up close and creepy from faraway. After the second attempt, God gently reminded me that they did nothave eyes; they never did. Oops. Trust God. Just paint. When it was finished, I asked Him why they did not have eyes. I believe His answer was because they don't see the future.
What God originally gave me was water coming up in the church and that was part of what was flowing out. My original drawing had splashing water to represent this. When I went to paint it in April, however, this became a wave with white caps. This was one of the only "changes" it seemed. But I was worried because it felt like a wave when I painted it but I had drawn splashing originally. I didn't want to change what God gave me in January. After this portion of the painting was finished, I learned that a well had been prophesied in the church 30 years ago. O.K., the water in the church made more sense. Later, someone spoke of seeing a wave of water. This brought confirmation for me personally so I felt like I had done what God had wanted me to do with it, even if it was not the splashes I originally drew. I think it is supposed to be a wave. I think the difference is the intent ...the wave travels and breaks out where as the splashes were more contained. I do not know if it was always a wave, since January, or if it has become and evolved into a wave since January.