This painting came in stages starting with the Upper Room Worship night. The only thing that was given was a vine with three seed pods and hands emerging from them. This was drawn on a background that developed during the day. The bottom right hand was painted first during the Upper Room Worship night. What was to go with the hand was not released until the hand was finished being painted. The bottom left hand was released during worship at church towards the end of the school year but another painting needed to be completed first. The top hand was released after the FORWARD conference.
The background was developed literally as it was painted. It was not until after the process began that I recognized it was a wave. It is a wave of the Holy Spirit. The vine is representative of Jesus. I believe the hands are representative of what God is releasing in preparation for or in connection with riding this wave in some way, which is why I believe it comes out of the wave.
Anointing oil is being poured out. This is what flows into the bottom right hand. I believe how it overflows the hand is significant. It is meant to flow out. We are not to keep it for ourselves but to receive it and flow it outward in its abundance. The hand is open to not just receive but to give as well.
The bottom left hands are multifaceted aspects of unity. Originally, when God showed me these hands I thought He must be saying something about approaching Him as a child. But these were my thoughts. As time went on, he began speaking to me about the generations in a variety of ways and finally showed me a pairing of the younger and older eagles at FORWARD. Proving that I really am clueless without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it was not until I got home that He reminded me of this set of hands and, duh, I got the connection. Both unity of race and generations is being represented between the hands. In addition, I was given the word "seasoned" to describe to the larger hand and the impression that it has worked the dirt. The smaller hand is younger, newer, and fresher. I feel an increase in strength when these two hands are paired together that they do not have on their own, as well as a gentleness between them.
The upper hand was the last image. He initially showed the hand with the red button. When I asked what that meant, God wrote the word "activation" below it in a wave like fashion. I believe this is connected with the wave that is beginning next.