NC Kids is a safe place for children ages 3 months - 5th grade. It’s our desire that our kids learn to hear the voice of God for themselves. Our heart is for children to come and encounter God’s love and leave empowered knowing they are seen, known, heard and loved! We value every child and our desire is to direct them towards knowing the Father for themselves!
Discipling the youth to live for Jesus! Sunday nights from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM in the sanctuary. Doors open for pre-service hang out and check-in at 6:00 PM.
Young Adults (ages 18 - 30) is back! We have groups meeting 3 weeks a month and a large gathering once a month on a wednesday night! We want to see young adults transformed through an encounter with Jesus. Our next YA Gathering will be February 26 beginning at 7 pm. Doors open at 6:30 pm for hangout!
Our Women’s ministry is a place for women of all ages to come have community and fun all while pursuing the heart of the Father. We host quarterly gatherings and have multiple small groups that you can join throughout the year.
Our Men's ministry is a place to encourage community and challenge each other to step fully into what God has called us to. We have quarterly gatherings with food, a good word, and opportunities to meet with other men of Faith.
en Español
Domingos 1:30 PM + Viernes 7:00 PM+ Martes 6:30 AM
Dirigida por los Pastores Angel y Mariela Fernandez desde el 2019. Una familia de fe. Latino-Americana. Unida para la gloria de DIOS. Queremos ver vidas transformadas a través de un encuentro con El Señor. Vivimos compartiendo el evangelio de Cristo Jesus. Creemos en la trinidad; Padre, Hijo, y Espíritu Santo.

New Covenant School of Ministry
Gospel Centered - Church Focused - Practical In Nature