Share your testimony.
"For many years, I lived a life bowed down to the altar of rejection."
It defined me and tainted most of my relationships and decisions. I kept myself separated from real and intimate relationships with people. I wasn’t obeying the voice of God; I was bound by fear. Many of the things I did for the Kingdom of God were done to please man, to fill a need, to prove my spirituality and not from obedience to God. They were works to earn love and respect. But God, through the power of His never changing, unconditional love and grace, and the unconditional love of a few godly friends, biblical counseling and lastly deliverance, healed my soul wounds and freed me from hiding behind a wall of self-protection and rejection. Through this healing journey I began to feel safe, loved and accepted, I learned to be a REAL friend. I learned that as I revealed my true/real self that these friends would accept all of me both the good and the bad parts of me and my guard (my wall of protection) began to come down. God’s Words of love for me began to move from my Head into my HEART and I began to declare over my life the things that God said about me. Deep spiritual truths about God’s REAL love for me filled my spirit. I knew that He is not a man and does not lie. That He is always good. That nothing I could do would separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus! I repented of believing in and agreeing with lies and word curses. That old altar that I built to rejection and fear, I took a prophetic sledgehammer to it and split that thing apart until the old ashes of my sacrificed life poured out onto the ground. The Holy Spirit blew those ashes and rubble into oblivion and that altar can never be rebuilt!You too, can repent and say to the altar you've built in your life "Altar, altar be split apart in Jesus’s name! Ashes you must pour out on the ground and be blow away forever!" Our God is a jealous God, and we should have no other gods before Him!
"His loving kindness and faithfulness healed me."
One day while I was working a sprained my ankle pretty bad. Everyone who was with me was super quick in helping me back up again but I had seriously sprained it to the point that if my foot moved I would feel sharp pain that would go up my leg. All that day people prayed for my ankle and to be completely honest, it didn’t feel any better. I was feeling frustrated that after all these people praying for me I still didn’t receive any healing. Then the next day, I served as a youth leader and Zac preached a message on stepping out in faith and being obedient to the call that God has for healing the sick. And me being the perfect person for the kids to pray for, Zac called me out of my seat and had the youth students pray for me. As they were praying for me, one of the students told me that the Lord was telling me to stand up and walk. And that the Lord wants my healing to be from Him and not through the prayers of other people. That morning I could barely walk anywhere without any pain, but at the end of the night I was running, dancing, and praising the Lord. It’s a moment that I will never forget. Because the Lord met me in my distress and showed Himself as my Healer and sustainer.
"Jesus saved me from a life of slavery to pornography when I was 19 years old."
The freedom was so complete that I have given my whole life to be pure and lead a generation to do the same for Jesus. I am now 25 years old and I haven't looked back. He still delivers and He still saves. If you are looking for a place where you can be made new, this is the place for you. The community of people and it’s leaders are still doing the work of Jesus today.