DNA Strand, Bride of Christ
January, 2022
This image was given during intercessory prayer on a Wednesday morning. It felt as if the Lord was saying "You are becoming more like Me, not less," as if He wanted to break any lies to the contrary about His bride. The following were some of the impressions that came with the painting. Ipray the Lord will show you exactly what He wants you to see in it and that it will bless you by opening up a conversation between you and Him.
Revelation 19:7-8 Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.
The bride of Christ emerges into her identity as she walks up the DNA strand, becoming more and more like her Father in heaven. She was created in His image from the beginning (Genesis 1:27) and all of creation has been waiting for her to be revealed (Romans 8:19). She is an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and understands that she cannot wash herself clean. She sheds her garments of sin and shame as the Lord washes her and covers her. This bride does not hide in the garden from the Father as Adam and Eve did. The Lord sees her heart and He sees her with His clear, honest eyes. She asks to see herself more clearly, with His eyes of truth. She chooses not to hide her flaws, her failures, or her fears, knowing her Father in heaven understands these better than she ever will ... but she chooses to release them to Him instead. In return, He gives her His strength, His victory, His courage. He is the author and finisher of Her faith (Hebrews 12:2). Through this process, this time, she becomes more like Him. She learns to love others in their flaws, failures, and fears.
John 15:5 He who abides in Me, and Iin him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.
The bride learns torest andabide in His love and operate from aplace of sonship andadoption, a child of the one true God. She is a warrior who knows exactly who she belongs to. She stands not just on biblical truths, but in the intimacy of her relationship with her Father as she longs for Jesus' return (2 Tim 4:8). This abiding rest is a place of freedom, promise, and wisdom, being satisfied in Him (represented by the honey dripping down the canvas; Exodus 3:8, Psalm 81:16, Proverbs 24:13-14).
May this painting bless you with whatever the Lord wants to convey to you through it. May He bring you revelation about His nature and His goodness. May He show you the bride of Christ and who you are in Him.